Today’s world is the world of knowledgeable persons. One can win the world on the basis of knowledge. Knowledge cannot be gained over night or in one day or one year. Learning is a life long process. It is believed that a child has plenty of enthusiasm and zeal. To fulfil the ambitions of parents, society, nation and humanity some strategies are needed. In this regard I would like to highlight some important points for a better future of our ward.
Please co-operate to ensure effective education for your ward.
Provide encouraging environment for studies at home.
Assist and guide your ward in doing home-work and study.
Provide proper school uniform, books and note-books.
Please check your ward’s school diary regularly and ensure that the assigned home work is done on time.
You are always welcome to the school to ensure the progress of your ward. However you may contact the class-teacher and subject teacher personally in the staff room after school hours.
Please ensure that your ward comes to school regularly in neat, clean and tidy school uniform.
Please give the healthy food like chapattis, vegetables, salad etc. in your ward’s lunch box.
Please don’t send your ward to school when he/she is suffering from any Infection.
(Laxman Kumar Laxkar)